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At FIENDISH, we prioritize safety and safeguarding with utmost seriousness. We are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels secure and supported. Our unequivocal stance is to stand by and support all victims, providing a safer space for them to share their experiences and seek assistance.


However, we acknowledge that the effectiveness of our safety measures relies heavily on the vigilance and proactive engagement of our community. We encourage individuals to report any incidents, whether current or historical, ensuring that every voice is heard. It is through the collective efforts of our community that we can identify potential safety threats, address concerns, and foster an atmosphere of trust and security. Together, we are dedicated to building a resilient and protective community that prioritizes the well-being of all its members.


Below is a form to report any incident or experience that you need to inform us about. This could be regarding (but not limited to)...

  • A current, recent or historic event

  • Current or former attendeesevent staff or venue staff

  • An incident or event that resulted in did or did not result in a Crime Ref # or criminal proceedings.

  • An incident at an FIENDISH event, at the venue or an incident outside of the venue.

  • Any concern, incident or active investigation that you think we should know about.


  1. All reports that we recieve are held securely and according to DPA 2018 and GDPR and are handled sensitively by staff members trained to deal with data protection, safeguarding, disclosure of sexual assaults and vulnerable people.

  2. We maintain strict confidentiality and we keep the minimum required details to meet safeguarding standards.

  3. We will never pass your information or report to a third party without your written consent unless one or more of the following conditions are met:

    • When an individual who has support needs is at risk of harm through abuse or neglect​

    • When there is serious risk of harm to the individual or to others

    • When there is a legal or legislative requirement to do so (Such as court orders or mandated reporting)

  4. Event staff members are here to support you in any way that you feel comfortable with and this includes supporting you through the process of reporting incidents to the Police or other authorities and sign-posting charities and organisations with employees who are best suited to provide assistance.

  5. We will work with you to ensure that any changes that we need to make help prevent recurrences or improve any aspect of safety are measured and achieved where feasible and within a reasonable timeframe.

  6. If your report concerns a member of staff, then that particular member of staff WILL NOT be engaged in dealing with your report. It will be passed to a nominated event staff member.

  7. If you do not feel comfortable reporting your incident to a member of event or venue staff, firstly - we understand. We want to ensure that all incidents and concerns are investigated, even if they involve our staff members. We ensure full, transparent cooperation with any authority to enable proper investigation. We encourage those who do not feel they can report directly to us to do so to the appropriate authorities. This could be (but not limited to)...

  • The Police

  • Bristol County Council

  • Survivor Pathway Services/SARSAS

  • Bristol Safeguarding Service

  • and other services or authorities as you see fit


This reporting platform is intended for non-emergency situations only.

If you are currently in immediate danger or facing an active harm situation, please DO NOT use this form.

Instead, dial your local emergency services number IMMEDIATELY to seek assistance from the authorities.

Please use it responsibly, and if you or someone else is in immediate danger, contact the appropriate emergency services without delay.

FIENDISH Make A Report Form

Thank you for sending us a report. We will get back to you with our next steps if you have selected this option.


This report will be logged in our Risk & Incident logs in accordance with DPA 2018, GDPR and Safeguarding Best Practices.


Thank you for helping keep our community safe.

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